Welcome to the world little one!

This style guide is going to be a little different than my others, we'll touch on styling yourself + your little one plus some tips on getting your home ready for the session if we're doing an in home session. Newborn sessions are quickly becoming one of my favorites especially when we do them in their nursery. If you don't want to do this session in home I can location scout us a beautiful studio and bring some props for us to still have a beautiful and intimate session.

This style of session is a Lifestyle Newborn session meaning I want to capture the real life emotions and poses. You'll mostly be holding baby or baby will be swaddled in a location. I do not do your typical 'froggy pose' or any other poses that could potentially put your baby in danger if not done correctly. If you're looking for those kinds of poses I can recommend many talented local artists who specialize in this and have the necessary trainings!

baby outfit selection

Outfits: Planning your little one's outfits can be both exciting and frustrating. I recommend sticking to neutrals so it's easier for you to coordinate with them. If you're worried your little girl may look like a boy if you don't dress her in pink, opt for a cute little headband if she'll allow it! I recommend planning for a couple outfit options (for more options and if a blow out happens!). I think a safe bet is plan for a simple onesie, a cute outfit you can't not have photographed, and a swaddle. My favorite places to shop for baby clothes are Little Bipsy, H&M, Spearmint Love, and Mebie Baby for your swaddles!

Swaddle: No newborn session is complete with the swaddle poses! I love to do these in a variety of spots (in their crib or bassinette, in a Moses basket, and/or on your bed). With this pose we'll want baby in just a diaper and the swaddle. For the swaddle you could do a neutral one but this is also where you could have a little more fun and add in some colors.

Accessories: As mentioned earlier a great accessory option for girls is to add a bow or even a hairclip if they have enough hair for that! Other things to think of are cute little shoes or socks that you want included in the photos, if there is a little hat that goes well with their outfit, or may you want to include a wooden name tag or name board. The possibilities with accessories are endless!

Coordinating parent outfits

Coordinating without being too matchy can be difficult. We want the focus to be on baby, but we also want the parents to stand out as well. Sometimes something as simple as a white t-shirt and blue jeans for both works great! But other time we want to be a little more creative.

Moms - For mom's I've been loving a flowy style dress. This type of dress helps with hiding the changing parts of our body! You just birthed an entire human, you deserve to feel as beautiful as you truly are! With a dress you can either go a solid color or add in a subtle pattern to add some oomph to the photos. My favorite places to shop for these kinds of dresses are Free

People, Nordstrom, Target and Madewell. Like I said earlier though you can really wear something as simple as a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

Dads - For dads I think you have it kind easy. If mom is wearing a dress, you can come in with jeans and plain t-shirt and look cute + casual. You can also pair with a button up style shirt to add some classiness if you're feeling that! Something to note - if mom isn't wearing shoes or socks in the cuddle photos I may ask you (if you're comfortable) to remove your socks/shoes just for those photos. My favorite places to shop for men's clothes are H&M, Nordstrom, Old Navy, and Amazon.

Other Things to Consider: Layers - Layers are great for the colder months (especially with little ones!). It gives texture and movement to your outfits, without looking too bulky. Think about layering a cardigan on top of a t-shirt or tank top with jeans, or even a flannel!


Stay away from graphics and florescent colors. We want these photos to be timeless and stand the test of time - graphics tend to go out of style and will date your photos.

Don't wear things that make you uncomfortable! Your child doesn't want to wear the button up shirt - don't make them! You want them to feel comfortable in what they're wearing just as much as you want to be comfortable.

Try not to be too matchy-matchy! Coordinate, don't match! Wearing the same thing can make the photos look flat and boring - we want excitement and texture in these photos!

Getting your home photo ready

You absolutely do not need to have a magazine ready home to have photos taken. With some simple steps you can make your home photo ready without spending any additional money on new décor.

Getting your nursery ready: It's as easy as just cleaning it up, sounds easier said than done though right? First step go into your nursery right now, yes now, and think about what you want in photos vs what you don't want in photos. Diapers and wipes are a part of life, but do you want them in the photos? Put away any extra boxes you may have in the room, since we all know nursery's aren't utilized to their full potential right away they may turn into a little storage space with all your newly acquired baby things. 'Make' their crib - pretty much just throw on a nice sheet that won't be too distracting from your baby's swaddle color when we take photos in there. Do you have a cute embroidered blanket you want displayed in the photos? Hang it on the side of their crib! Lastly don't think too much on it, simple nurseries are always the cutest.

Getting other rooms ready: All you really need to do is clean up. Make the bed, clean up your end table, put clothes away, etc. If we're going to be in your kitchen just put away anything on the counter(s) we'll be using, the entire kitchen doesn't have to be clean - just where we'll be!

Don't have a nursery?: No problem! We can do the session in other parts of your home. We can do the session in your bedroom, in the living room, your backyard - really anywhere that is special for you we can use!

Including pets and others in the photos: People always ask if their furry children can be involved too, and the answer is always YES! I love it when we can include them in the photos, even if its just for a few. You cannot forget about any older siblings your little one has - they can be involved too for as many photos as you'd like. My absolute favorite photos are the ones where older sibling is holding/cuddling or laying down next to their new sibling.

When all else fails we can always rent out a studio and avoid being in your home all together! I can recommend some adorable local studios, let me know if you'd rather go down this path and we can connect further!

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To Close...

After all of that I think the most important thing is with these sessions is to have fun! We want these to be memories you look back on in the years to come, so however I can make that happen for you I'll do it! Don't stress too much if your house is as pretty as someone else's, and don't stress if your baby is grumpy! We'll work together to make these photos perfect in every way :).

I'm always here to bounce outfit ideas off of, I'm just a text or email away!

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